City of Seattle (SDOT)

Yesler Way Bridge Over Fourth Avenue South

Seattle, WA


The Yesler Way Bridge was built in 1909 and was proposed for replacement due to its low sufficiency rating and fracture critical design. The new bridge became an award-winning project and improved accessibility and mobility for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles with new curb ramps, reconfigured sidewalks, and wider lanes compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The bridge improved seismic capability while retaining the original railing to preserve the bridge’s historical character.

Land Survey, 3D LiDAR

Furtado provided survey and basemapping services for the purposes of completing a Type, Size and Location (TS&L) study. Using both conventional methods and a 3D LiDAR scanner, Furtado completed a topographic survey which consisted of the bridge’s physical features, permanent and semi-permanent structures adjacent to the bridge, as well above-ground utilities and utilities running under the bridge. The 3D LiDAR scanner allowed Furtado to collect features and elevations of the steel stringers for determination of vertical clearances above the roadway and provided a cost-effective solution to safely gain the required data.

Furtado also surveyed the area underneath the bridge using a to locate traffic bollards, curbs, garage entrance, window blockouts, manholes and drainage structures, sidewalks, above ground utilities as well as utilities running under the bridge structure.

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