Sound Transit

West Seattle & Ballard Link Extensions

Seattle, WA


The West Seattle & Ballard Link Extensions (WS & BLE) project adds 11.8-miles of new light rail lines connecting West Seattle to Ballard. The project includes the construction of a new light rail tunnel in downtown Seattle, as well as thirteen new light rail stations along the alignment.

Land Survey, GIS

Furtado’s primary role is to provide overall land surveying along the new alignment; field surveying of ground targets for aerial mapping; and compiling basemaps by incorporating land surveying, bathymetric, aerial and GIS data from multiple firms. Furtado is also providing in-depth record analysis and calculations, along with coordinating with a private utility subcontractor to confirm that the alignment does not conflict with sewer lines and pipe structures.

Right-of-Way Engineering

Furtado will provide Right-of-Way Engineering services with the development of plan sheets, parcel maps, legal descriptions, ALTA surveys, WSDOT Airspace lease documents, and Temporary Construction Air Space Lease documents.

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